Adults With Intellectual Disabilities

Kings View Work Experience Centers: Remote and Alternative Services
Kings View
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kings View is offering the following remote and alternative service options:
- Supports related to COVID-19 risk management
- Completion of individual assessments and/or program plans
- Completion of a person-centered plan
- Remote services delivered via telephone or video communication
- Delivery of supplies and other items to the consumer’s home
- Confirmed use of self-guided materials
- Services provided in-person* at the consumer’s home
- Services provided in-person* at a community setting
- Services provided in-person* at the provider’s facility
- Supports for transition to the Self-Determination program, if applicable
DTAC provides training in areas of daily living skills, critical thinking, art, pre-vocational skills, food preparation and educational supports. This program assist each student with developing their abilities, aptitude and interest to lead a more productive life
ADP provides instruction in daily living and self-help skills, community integration. Instruction focuses on awareness, social development and independence.
The work activity program is composed of on campus and community-based work opportunities. This program provides eligible students with paid work under the State regulation 14 C certificate. Each student earns according to their level of productivity. The WAP provides work experience in sub-contracted land scaping, janitorial, and construction clean up.
This service is for individuals who are considering living independently or who are already living independently. In Collaboration with Central Valley Regional the appropriate level of services is determined. Training takes place in the individual’s home and in the community. It covers a broad spectrum of skills which may include shopping, money management, transportation, medical appointments and cooking. King view provides this service to eligible individuals free of cost.
Individual’s receiving this service work independently at community locations such as Wal Mart. A job coach provides onsite support to these individuals several time a months to ensure skills are maintained and to foster on going communication with employers about the individuals needs and progress
Kings View Work Experience Center
- Accreditation Expires 3/31/2023
- Original CARF accreditation in 1976
- Employment and Community Services Standards Manual
- CARF Programs Accredited
- Organizational Employment Services
- Community Employment Services: Employment Supports

Contact Kings View
If you need assistance with any of our services, feel free to contact us. We have you covered.